+34 928 479 800 comercial@astican.es


Values ​​are the personality of our company, the ethical and professional principles through which we guide our activity:
Responsibility, proximity involvement, respect, honesty and passion are the 6 values ​​that define Astican and with whom we would like to convey confidence in the organization.

Our values:

Responsibility; We fulfill the commitments acquired with our customers, suppliers and employees.
Approachability; we offer a warm and friendly treatment creating trusted environments where we believe and like to work.
Implication; We live with collective interests, the sustainability of our environment and security.
Respect; we make an effort to put ourselves in someone else´s  place with transparency because every person is as important as each of us.
Honesty; we believe in people who say what they think, do what they say and make an effort to do the right thing.
Passion; we require ourselves to achieve optimal performances with every challenge that we found, to seek improvement each day.