+34 928 479 800 comercial@astican.es


Through an innovation programme of the IES El Rincón (a training Institute of Las Palmas) Astican  involved two students in an innovative  project.  It consists of  developing an application to register the operations of seafaring and syncrolift, in the docking and undocking process of the vessels that come to our shipyard for repairs.

The programme is called “Integración temprana del alumnado en la empresa” (Early integration of students in the company). It has been promoted by the educational team of the same centre.

Víctor Suárez Ramos and Acoidan Santana Ortega are the two students of the Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma (a Higher-Level Education Cycle) who have participated in this project  together with our colleagues from the IT department for months.

All the dry-docking process carried out in Astican are programmed well in advance. Behind all this preparation there are different teams that work together to ensure that everything is carried as planned.

Once the dry-docking plan has been drawn up, the operations manager and his team set up the ships’ berths and organise the dry-docking.

The developed application allows the integration of the information corresponding to the docking and undocking manoeuvres in a simple way, clearly presenting all the organisation and planning, thus showing safety, effectiveness, fluidity, and quality.

Astican would like to congratulate Víctor and Acoidan and the educational team of the IES El Rincón for their commitment, as well as wishing them the best of luck in this new professional stage.

For our part, we will continue to evolve as a company in today’s world, adapting more and more to digitalisation.


Our Dock Master and the IT team with Victor Suarez Ramos and Acoidan Santana Ortega in the centre, students from IE El Rincon involved in the project.

Our Dock Master and the IT team with Victor Suarez Ramos and Acoidan Santana Ortega in the centre, students from IE El Rincon involved in the project.






   Victor and Acoidan with Fernando, the Dock Master, using the new application.